Black Women's Leadership Conference: Boardroom Series
press release: In this series we'll visit boardrooms across the state and hear from women and men in key leadership positions. Our key goal is to create more opportunities for Black women to thrive in their professional careers.
This month we'll hear from Kimila Daniels, Vice-President of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness at Unity Health Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of University Health Care. Ms. Daniels is responsible for development and implementation of the company's human resources strategy, facilities management, internal communication strategy and organizational change management.
Our Black woman owned business highlight of the month is Jasmine Banks, owner of Perfect Imperfections. Perfect Imperfections offers homemade soaps, sugar scrubs and so much more.
TIME: 5PM to 6:30PM
LOCATION: Unity Health Office located at UW Health Court, 7974 UW Health Ct., Middleton, WI 53562
HOSTS: Heymiss Progress & Black Women’s Leadership Conference
CROWD: Women
DRESS CODE: Slay your business casual
PRICE: $10
DINNER: Light dinner served | Check back for updates
HASHTAGS: #bwlc2boardroom #heymissprogress