Bowl Across America
Bowl-A-Vard Lanes 2121 East Springs Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53704
press release:
What is Bowl Across America? A unique, annual event consisting of teams designed to support the continuing mission of the organization
How can I participate? Join an existing team or start one of your own (with 3-5 other people)
Who can participate? Anyone can participate!
Why join? Bowl Across America is an easy, fun way to interactively be involved in the lives of disabled people
When: Saturday, April 1, Bowl A Vard Lanes: 2121 East Spring Drive, 1:00 - 5:00pm (or time length of 2 games)
Cost: $7.50 - covers the cost of 2 games and includes shoes
Raffle Ticket Prizes: will be given out to participants!
Sponsorship: If you are not a bowler, sponsor a team. Team sponsorship is open to everyone.
Any Questions: See or call (Coach) Robin Mielke at 608-358-8621