Changing Our Heart, Life & World
press release: Special Weekend with Guest Teacher Kadam Lucy James: Changing Our Heart, Life, and World
During this unparalleled weekend event, Kadam Lucy James will guide us step by step into recognizing, awakening, and nourishing our deep potential for unbiased compassion and a “supreme good heart”, also known as bodhichitta. Through this healing transformation, we actually become the peace that can change our world.
Friday Night Lecture: Changing Our Heart 7 PM-8:30 PM
Saturday Retreat: Changing Our Life 9 AM-4 PM
Special Sunday Morning Class: Changing Our World 10-11:30 AM
These teachings will be derived from the famous Buddhist poem, Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, composed by the Buddhist Master Shantideva.
Friday: $15
Saturday: $40
Sunday: $15
Cost for the weekend advanced registration at end of March is $55; After April 1: $70
People can register in advance at or by calling 608-661-3211