Chelsea Thompto
UW Elvehjem Building 800 University Ave. , Madison, Wisconsin 53703
press release: Productive Bodies Master of Fine Arts Exhibition by Chelsea Thompto
May 1 - July 31; Opening Reception: Friday, May 3, 5-6pm
Location: Kohler Art Library, 160 Elvehjem Building, 800 University Ave.
Productive Bodies explores transgender identity in relation to questions of visualization as violence, technology in relation to the body, and how we conceive of the boundaries of the self. In order to explore more deeply these concepts, I am looking to another body caught up in similar questions, the river, more specifically: the Mississippi. The river I grew up next to, the Mississippi has long been subjected to technologies of seeing and modification in order to make it more productive for militaristic and economic purposes. Using archival maps and audio, found video, and original video and sound, artist books, and more, this project draws the viewer into an affective exploration of what it means to inhabit a fluid body subjected to colonial logics of visualization meant to fix, delineate and, stabilize.