Compact Implementation Coalition
River Alliance of Wisconsin is proudly serving as a member of the Compact Implementation Coalition to protect the international treasure that is our Great Lakes. The coalition, collectively representing tens of thousands of Wisconsinites, passionately and consistently advocates for the strongest protections possible for the waters of the Great Lakes, in keeping with the spirit and the letter of the Compact.
Because of the work we do at River Alliance, we are deeply concerned that all people and communities have access to clean, safe drinking water - including Waukesha, Wisconsin. That said, there are a few key reasons we feel strongly that their application to divert water from the Great Lakes does not meet the standard set forth in the compact. In addition, we have even worked diligently to present a viable non-diversion solution which would come at a lower cost to ratepayers.
A summary of concerns as well as our non-diversion solution can be found under the "Our Position" section of our website.
We need your help - Attend a Public Hearing!
As the world's largest freshwater ecosystem, the Great Lakes are a national treasure. The Great Lakes Compact was created to protect the Great Lakes as a vital economic and cultural resource. Waukesha's request to divert water outside of the Great Lakes basin is the first time the Great Lakes Compact is being put to the test in how well it will protect our Great Lakes now and in the future.
We encourage you to become informed and make your voice heard at a public hearing. Read more about the issue on the Compact Implementation Coalition website, including detailed information about events we are hosting in conjunction with the public hearings.