Corporate Written Legislation
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press release: Mount Horeb Forum Explores Corporate Written Legislation
Who's writing Wisconsin's laws? The answer may surprise you. A number of enacted Wisconsin laws have been supplied not by the state legislature, but by the corporate-sponsored lobbying group ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). What ALEC supplies on a state level, ACCE (American City County Exchange) pushes on the local level.
The supplied legislation will be the topic at a July 16 forum to be held at the historic Mt. Horeb District #1 Schoolhouse. The program will begin at 7:30 pm, and is free and open to the public.
The speaker at this event will be Representative Chris Taylor. Chris Taylor is uniquely qualified to speak on the subject. She has been a strong opponent of corporate-written legislation as well as pay-to-play politics, which has been prevalent in the Wisconsin statehouse.
Taylor has seen the workings of ALEC from the inside, as she has attended a convention of theirs, and she will share what she has found. Be sure to save this date, attend this informative program, and find out who benefits and who loses from corporate-written and passed laws. The Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP) sponsors this forum, it is free and is open to the public. Contact for more information.