ONLINE: The COVID-19 Vaccine: Facts and Fiction
media release: JustDane kicks off our 2021 JustConversations series on Wednesday, January 27! Join us as Lourdes Shanjani (bilingual health education coordinator for Public Health Madison & Dane County) and Carmella Glenn (coordinator for Just Bakery) discuss the COVID-19 vaccine, its development. and the current implementation process, with a focus on the reasons behind the historical mistrust of vaccines among the black and brown community in Dane County. We know that our black and brown communities are being disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and often face challenges to access proper health information. Our purpose is to help our community members increase their understanding related to COVID-19 vaccines and empower them to make informed decisions related to vaccination. We have some starter questions, but we look forward to the questions you bring to the table as well! Join us!