Left of Left Center
Left of Left Center presents a themed variety show that delves into the world of “deeply inappropriate” vampires. Featuring sketch comedy, dance, standup comedian Heidi Zepeda (pictured), and musical guests Lisa B, Britton Rea and Honey and Brimstone. The show rotates among North Street Cabaret on Nov. 27, Art In Gallery on Nov. 29, and Arts + Literature Lab on Nov. 30. Tickets:
Friday, November 24, 7:30 PM The Brink Lounge, 701 E. Washington Ave
Monday, November 27, 7:00 PM Nomad World Pub (NEW VENUE), 418 E. Wilson
Wednesday, November 29, 7:00 PM Art In Gallery 1444 E. Washington Ave
Thursday, November 30, 7:00 PM Arts + Literature Laboratory, 2021 Winnebago St
Left of Left Center presents Craving, a Variety Show
Written by Ned O'Reilly and Ben Seidensticker
$10 suggested contribution at the door.