RSVP for Creating and Maintaining a Gravel Garden
Olbrich Gardens 3330 Atwood Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53714
press release: If you want beautiful gardens, but don’t have the time to commit to maintenance, nor want to see precious water and energy resources go into growing them, a gravel garden may be for you! Olbrich’s horticulture staff has created a number of gravel gardens that can easily be incorporated into home landscapes. Don’t confuse these gardens with traditional rock or alpine gardens that can look more rocky than green. Gravel gardens are as beautiful as any perennial bed or border and require less labor to grow. Olbrich Director of Horticulture Jeff Epping will discuss how Olbrich has replaced lawns and traditional perennial beds with these sustainable gardens and show you many photographs of Olbrich’s beautiful gravel gardens. Limited space; register early.
Wednesday, March 29, 6:30-8:30 pm
Registration Deadline: March 22
Cost: $17/$13 member | Course Number: 10-18