Dane County Housing Summit
press release: The Dane County Housing Initiative (DCHI) is excited to announce the 5th Annual Dane County Housing Summit, Thursday, October 10, at Monona Terrace, and we would like to invite you to join us!
Who Should Come to the Housing Summit?
Each year the Summit brings together elected officials, residents, school districts, community leaders, non-profit agencies, private sector employers, banks, chambers, developers, local government staff and other stakeholders.
For this year’s Dane County Housing Summit, DCHI is working to break down some of the silos within and across the public, private and non-profit sectors and is inviting new partners into the conversation.
The 2019 Dane County Housing Summit will share a vision for the Next Generation of Housing, and highlight the intersection of health and housing, racial equity and sustainability, innovation and investment, three areas of housing that are at the forefront of addressing the housing crisis both locally and nationally. There will also be workshops for communities who are working on the nuts and bolts of workforce and affordable housing development.
In addition, we are hosting a panel of employers facing workforce shortages, as well the first ever Housing Innovation Lab for those interested in learning about emerging technologies, new programming, communication and public policies that are helping to address the housing crisis.
The keynote speaker, Linda Tirado, whose own struggle with housing led her to write a book about it, Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America, will help us kick off the event.
At the end of the summit program, the 2019 DCHI Steering Committee will be hosting a reception and would like to invite all participants to join us in celebrating 5 years of great work together!
9:00 Welcome, Introductions
Joe Parisi, Dane County Executive and County Board Chair, Sharon Corrigan
9:10 - Keynote Presentation – Linda Tirado, author Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America
10:00 – Panel Presentation - Are you Healthy? The Intersection of Housing and Health
11:15 Breakout sessions
Affordable and workforce housing 101 + 102 for small to mid-size communities
Building sustainable and racially equitable communities – Part 1
Preservation and Rehab: Don’t Lose the Affordable Housing You Already Have!
Non-Profit Affordable Housing Development
12:30-1:30 – Lunch and Plenary – Where have all the Workers Gone: Employers Discuss Impact of the Housing Gap
1:30 – Breakout sessions
Community Housing Updates: Hear about the steps, progress, obstacles and recent initiatives in four municipalities.
Building sustainable and racially equitable communities Part II - Transportation
How to put together a housing deal?
Housing Innovation Lab: Emerging technology, policies and programming to address the housing crisis
2:30 – Mapping Prejudice: Visualizing the hidden histories of race and privilege
3:30 – Reception and Celebration