Days of Reflection
More than a year of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, plus the continuation of systemic injustice and violence towards Black, Indigenous, Asian American and other community members of color, has affected all of us. The city of Madison’s Neighborhood Resource Teams invite individuals, businesses and community organizations to participate in Days of Reflection. Take some time during the week to slow down and recognize what everyone in the community has been through, whether by journaling, gathering together, creating or viewing art, taking walks, or participating in other solo or group activities. Find information on community events (or submit your own event) at
media release: An Invitation. On Friday, June 18 through Friday June 25, the city of Madison’s Neighborhood Resource Teams invite you to take some time to pause, remember and reflect on our collective trauma. The past 15 months have been like none other in recorded human history. They have taken their toll in ways we have yet to truly acknowledge, articulate and sometimes even allow ourselves to feel. None of us has been untouched by the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and widespread systemic injustice and violence toward Black, Indigenous and people of color.
It is our hope that people, organizations, and businesses across Madison and Dane County choose to intentionally mark the week in some way in shared Days of Reflection. This could range from journaling or taking some moments of silence by yourself or with friends, family and colleagues to hosting a small, appropriately distanced gathering, candlelight vigil or walk of some sort. It could be through art or through demonstration. The choice is yours. We simply invite you to stop and shift your gaze to all we have been through together.
If you’re interested in organizing events or registering ideas please go to
Humbly offered by participants of the City of Madison’s Neighborhood Resource Teams
Una invitación. A partir del viernes 18 de junio al viernes 25 de junio, lo invitamos a que tome una pausa, recuerde y reflexione sobre nuestro trauma colectivo. Los últimos 15 meses han sido como ningún otro en la historia humana. Han cobrado precio de maneras que todavía tenemos que reconocer, articular y a veces incluso permitirnos sentir. Todos nosotros hemos sido afectados por las dos pandemias, COVID-19 y la injusticia del sistema y violencia generalizada hacia los negros, los indígenas y las personas de color.
Nosotros esperamos que la gente, las organizaciones, y los negocios en todo Madison y el condado de Dane decidan marcar estas fechas de alguna manera para reflexionar. Esto puede variar desde escribir en un diario o tomar algunos momentos de silencio con amigos, familiares, colegas o consigo mismo, organizando un evento pequeño, con la distancia apropiada, una vigilia con velas o una caminata de algún tipo. Puede ser a través del arte o de una dem-ostración. La decisión es suya. Simplemente lo invitamos a que se detenga y vea todo lo que hemos pasado juntos.
Si está interesado en organizar eventos o registrar ideas, por favor visite
Ofrecido humildemente por los participantes de los Equipos de Recursos para Vecindarios de la Ciudad de Madison