Democratic Debate Watch
Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park St., Madison, Wisconsin 53715
press release: Saturday night, December 19, in Madison, Bernie Sanders activists at the third Democratic Debate watch are NOT having a party. “Instead we will be educating and organizing, said David Newby of Labor for Bernie. “Bernie Sanders is the president we need to do to get America back on track!”
The event, at the Madison Labor Temple, 1602 S. Park Street, is a free event open to all union members and non-union community members "who believe it is time for action to take back America from the 1%ers," said Robert Doyle of IBEW Local 159. Local 159 was one of the first unions in Wisconsin to endorse Sanders for president. The event starts at 5:45 PM for refreshments, program at 6:10 and debate watch at 7PM.
“We encourage everyone—Democrat, Independent, or Republican—to listen to the debate Saturday. There has been a virtual media black-out on Bernie Sanders, even though polls show him beating every major Republican contender in the general election (which is not true for Hillary).
So why does the press fear Bernie Sanders? Why has the Democratic National Committee approved such a small number of debates—and scheduled them at times to suppress audience?
Are they also afraid of Bernie’s potential popularity? So tune in and listen to the debate and make your own judgment. We think you’ll be impressed with Bernie Sanders and see him as the best person to lead our country into peace and a higher quality of life and standard of living for ordinary Americans,” explained Newby, president emeritus of the WI AFL-CIO.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 159, McFarland (one of the first unions in the USA to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders for president.) and IBEW Local 2304, Madison
Labor for Bernie ("We are union leaders, organizers and labor activists committed to building a broad, effective movement for democratic change. While we come from different unions and backgrounds, our goal is a government that carries out the will of the people, not prop up the profits of the 1% at the expense of the rest of us.")
Better With Bernie Committee & Progressive WI-Let’s Rebuild WI PAC (a group of activists promoting the election of Sanders in the Wisconsin presidential primary 4-5-16 via visibility and cheap supplies, e.g., bumper sticker, buttons, etc.)