Discovering the Good Life
Arts + Literature Laboratory 111 S. Livingston St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
press release: Students grades 9 -12 are invited to a half-day philosophy workshop on May 13 led by students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The theme of the workshop is "Discovering the Good Life." Students will spend some time investigating the good life through the lens of metaphysics (What is the nature of the good life?), epistemology (How do we know what the good life is?), aesthetics (How do we appreciate the good life?), ethics (How should we share the good life with others?), and philosophy of education (What role does school play in the good life?) before joining a whole group discussion on the subject with parents and guardians.
The workshop will run from 9:00 - 12:00. Parents and guardians are invited to return at 11:00 for the whole group discussion.