ONLINE: Department of Public Instruction Superintendent Candidate Forum
media release: Virtual Candidate Forum State DPI Superintendent
What’s at Stake for Black & Brown Communities
As our nation grapples with the chaos of a pandemic, social/political unrest and economic instability, Wl Black and Brown children are seemingly being left behind in the narrative. Pre-Pandemic —multiple studies demonstrated that Wl is the worst place to raise a Black Or Brown Child AND the racial academic achievement disparities are are among the worst in the country. Due to the Pandemic these gaps have only widened and are threatening to drastically change the quality of life for the current youth and the next generation on multiple levels: economically, socially and health etc.
Join the discussion as we learn how the State DPI Superintendent candidates intend to address these issues for Black and Brown children across the state in both Urban and Rural areas.
The Forum is free and open to public. You must Register via Eventbrite.
Eventbrite Registration:
For more information email:
Shandowlyon Hendricks-Williams,
Sheila Briggs,
Troy Gunderson,
Deborah Kerr,
Jill Underly,
Joe Fenrick, (unavailable)
Steve Krull,
Presented By:
*African American Ladies Empowered to Grow Opportunities (A-LEGO)
*City Forward Collective
*Souls to the Polls
*The Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network (WAATPN)
*Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Poverty Network (WTPPN),
*Solomons Outreach and Urban Learning Sessions (SOULS)
*Black Educators Caucus
*WI State League of Women Voters
*League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County
*Hispanic Collaborative
*NAACP Wisconsin State Conference of Branches
*National Council of Negro Women
*Welcome to Glendale: Convention, Visitor, and Business Association