ONLINE: Driver's License Recovery Program
press release: License Suspended? The YWCA may be able help get your suspension lifted.
The Driver’s License Recovery Program is available to people working to reinstate suspended drivers’ licenses through partnerships with the court systems and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
YWCA Madison offers an open Information Clinic, where you will get more information about your license suspension and steps you can take to get it reinstated. This initial meeting is to determine if you are eligible for enrollment. After this initial consultation, you may be placed on a waiting list to receive services if needed.
Who is eligible:
Any individual who has a suspended license because of: Unpaid traffic tickets in Dane County; a Dane County child support lien
AND needs a license in order to meet basic needs such as: Getting to and from work/school; Transporting children to and from childcare; Obtaining a job that requires a license
* Persons with suspensions due only to DUIs or OWIs are not eligible. The program is unable to address revocations or any issues out of state.
Due to the global health situation, we are currently not hosting in-person info clinics. As an alternative, we are now offering virtual info clinics! Please find sign-up information here.
For More Information: Contact Driver’s License Recovery Program Coordinator Aneesha Mitchell at or 608-257-1436, option 3.