Eastside Walkers
media release: We welcome you to join FFBWW Health & Wellness Ambassador Jeanine on this weekly walk at beautiful Door Creek Park. Meet at the tennis courts to end your day on the right foot; with sisterhood, conversation and rejuvenation!
Register today at ffbww.org/walkingcollective to join the FFBWW Walking Collective and receive regular updates. Our 2023 activity goal is 40,000,000 steps! Submit your daily steps or minutes at ffbww.link/activitytracker to take a stand for your health as we reach this wellness goal as a community!
The Foundation for Black Women's Wellness encourages walking as a safe, simple, affordable and accessible way for women and their families to maintain health and wellness and to prevent the onset of chronic disease. Throughout the year, we host a number of walking excursions, and support women to organize family and neighborhood walking circles as part of a healthy, active lifestyle and preventative health measure.
Interested in leading a walk in your own community? Visit ffbww.org/walkingcollective to get started.