Email Mastery I: Taming Your Email
press release: If you feel like email is one of your biggest time sucks, or you just feel like you could be better at doing "email"— this workshop is for you. In this workshop, we acknowledge the complexity of email and how it may be preventing you from accomplishing your goals, despite your best efforts..
We'll start by tackling Gmail, since it has the most extensive set of features of most modern email clients, and start you on a process for tackling your email. You'll learn tips and techniques for configuring and controlling your email that will not only reduce the mental frazzle but allow for you to get things done (GTD) in a manner that best suits you.
You can't throw the whole thing out, but you can learn how to tame then master your email. The techniques covered in this workshop are applicable to most email clients but are focused on Gmail.
Tools: Gmail (web browser) and Kiwi for Gmail (desktop client).
Technology moves so quickly, it's impossible to keep up. The key is knowing what's important for you and your organization's needs, your digital ecosystem. This session will help you identify and prioritize your digital tools and needs. Join MadTech for a series of workshops (Feb-May 2019) featuring a different productivity tool each month for businesses, nonprofits, and individuals. MadTech provides technology training for nonprofits and the general public. Class is free and open to the public. Please rsvp with MadTech at or call 266-6350 for more information.
Bob Koch