RSVP for Enchantment Under the Sea
press release: The Downtowners Social Club is hosting an Enchantment Under the Sea Dance on the shores of Lake Mendota. Come join us for food, fun, fellowship and throwback music and dancing. We will have the musical stylings of Baby Rocket to keep you dancing, and plenty of appetizers to fuel your fun. Your ticket includes two drink tickets, appetizers, live music, access to the pier, and the chance to dress like your favorite '50s rocker, sea creature, or dancing shoes. A portion of the profits will be donated to local charities, and you will be supporting the continuance of the Downtowners Social Club.
7PM-1145PM, June 8, Elks Lodge, 711 Jenifer Street, Madison, WI 53703
Ticket Deadline: June 5. $40 at