Wisconsin Day of Empathy
media release: Join us at Wisconsin's Day of Empathy on Thursday, March 7 from 10 am - 4 pm at the Wisconsin state Capitol. Day of Empathy is the nation’s largest day of action for criminal justice reform, & this wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s collective effort in fighting for what’s right. It brings together people from all walks of life who have been negatively impacted by America’s criminal justice system – from survivors of violent crime to those who are currently incarcerated individuals to the loved ones on the outside who advocate for their freedom and systemic reforms, from children of incarcerated parents to people on mass supervision to all community members impacted by crime, public safety issues, and violence.
Join us for a legislative day at the Wisconsin State Capitol to uplift your voice alongside justice impacted people, families, allies to discuss with legislators how supervision (probation, parole and extended supervision) should be changed to transform our state towards public safety and thriving communities for all people. There will be a panel, live Supervision Simulation and Educational Legislative Visits. Check out the schedule below!
9:00am-10:00am Registration, Mingle
10:00am-11:15am Welcome & Panel
11:15am-12:45pm Supervision Simulation
12:45pm-1:30pm Lunch & Legislative Training
1:30pm-3:30pm Legislative Visits
3:30pm-4:00pm Debrief and Closing
For questions, you can email Peggy West-Schroder at peggy@freemvmnt.org.
Current Partners:
- Representative Dora Drake
- The Community
- CC We Adapt
- My Way Out
- Milwaukee Turners
- Wisconsin Voices