F-35 Community Listening Sessions
media release: The Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs (DMA) has received a grant for community outreach and education from the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC), Department of Defense. This grant has funded the Madison F35 Community Connection project which aims to build a stronger relationship between the Madison community and the 115th Fighter Wing at Madison’s Truax Field through education and engagement. The project started in November 2023.
So far in this project, we’ve hosted three online discussion boards, three Community Listening Sessions (in February), and Neighborhood Sessions. These set the stage for deeper discussions moving forward, incorporating as many community members as possible.
The Community Collaboration Sessions in early June are an opportunity for more in-depth back and forth conversations between the 115th Fighter Wing and the Madison community. In addition to answering some commonly-asked questions, experts from the Wing will be participating in a panel discussion.
Thursday, June 6 · 6 - 7:30pm CDT RSVP
Saturday, June 8 · 9:30 - 11am CDT RSVP
Both meetings will now take place in Room 308/311 (these rooms connect) in the Health Sciences Building, Madison College. (Note location change from original announcement.)
All information about the project can be viewed on the project portal at www.MadisonF35.com.
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