ONLINE: Faith Advocacy for Climate Justice
press release: As Wisconsin lawmakers examine and revise the governor’s Wisconsin state budget, we have an opportunity to lift our voices. Join us on March 18 to focus on budgetary items related to climate change. We will especially focus on renewable energy, agriculture, and green jobs.
Keynote Speaker: Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes
Panelists: WKOW-TV Senior Chief Meteorologist Bob Lindmeier, Lutherans Restoring Creation Executive Director Phoebe Morad, and Renew Wisconsin Renewable Energy Program Director Sam Dunaiski
Testimonies from Various Faith Perspectives: Rabbi Bonnie Margulis of Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, and other speakers to be announced.
Action: After a presentation on how to speak to our legislators and a discussion in breakout groups, we’ll have an opportunity to contact our legislators.
Tips on communicating with legislators from Dr. Peter Bakken of Wisconsin Council of Churches and Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light and LOPPW Hunger Advocacy Fellow Kyle Minden
Post Advocacy Event beginning from 12:00 – 12:20 PM (Zoom link sent to registered participants can be used for both events): Join the Kenosha 7 for an update on the 14th day of their 22 day fast.
Rev. Jonathan Barker is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Kenosha and author of “Jesus would Demand a Green New Deal.”
County Supervisor Andy Berg is the Executive Director of Garden of Eatin-Kenosha, Retired Army Veteran, and President of Kenosha County Veterans Council.
Justin Blake is a community leader in Southeastern Wisconsin that is working to lift up the African American communities from Chicago to Milwaukee. He is the founder of Black Underground Recycling which is a program that recycles to fund food programs and create jobs. Justin has a deep understanding of environmental racism and how climate justice can uplift the African American community and all our communities. His Muslim faith sustains him in this work.
Joe Cardinali is the former Kenosha County Board Supervisor and continues to be active in local and state politics.
Tory Lowe is a radio show host and activist
Jill Ferguson is a grandmother and activist and peace activist.
The Kenosha 7 ask that you consider joining this statewide climate justice fast in any way that you are able: a daily meditative prayer, fasting, and prayer for a single meal, or fasting for one or more of the 22 days. Your thoughts, your prayers, and your participation are gratefully welcomed. You choose the way. And then stay tuned for action opportunities.
Sponsors: This event is being organized by the Wisconsin Faith Coalition for Climate Justice made up of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Council of Churches, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, and Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light.