RSVP for Ice Age Trail Alliance Mobile Skills Crew
The hills and forests around Rib Lake have a rich history. From the great Wisconsin glacier that shaped the terrain 10,000 years ago to men atop ice sleds hauling hardwoods to build Milwaukee and Chicago in the last century, our stories abound.
In the 1970s, efforts to create the Ice Age National Scenic Trail took root in the area. You are invited to join forces with volunteers from across Wisconsin and students from Medford schools to help build a new section of the Ice Age Trail near Rib Lake.
Mobile Skills Crew Trailbuilding Event
Rib Lake Segment
Taylor County (north-central Wisconsin)
May 27-31, 2015
As with all Mobile Skills Crew events, no experience is necessary and there's a role for volunteers of all ages and abilities...bring the whole family! Your contribution is welcome for any amount of time you can give. Training is provided by certified volunteer crew leaders, and all participants get free meals and (for those working with us for multiple days) a free place to pitch a tent.
What We're Doing
Like the rebirth of the vast stands of oak and maple, the Trail looks for new growth in the Rib Lake Segment. This project kick starts a 4.7-mile expansion of the Ice Age Trail through that beautiful, rich, northern hardwood forest. With this project, we will focus on clearing 1.5 miles of trail corridor and beginning tread construction.
Saturday we’re ending trail work early and heading up to Timm’s Hill, Wisconsin’s highest point, to celebrate the 25-year anniversary of the Timm’s Hill National Side Trail. The fun gathering will feature the National Park Service and local groups who maintain the Trail.
Base Camp will be at lovely Wood Lake County Park, a favorite with volunteers at previous MSC events in Taylor County.
To help us plan this event with your needs in mind, please register by Sunday, May 24.
If you're in need of a ride or have an extra seat or two in your car, please head to our Facebook page and post a note.
Please contact Brad Crary (262-370-2995, or the IATA office (800-227-0046).