RSVP for Ice Age Trail Alliance Mobile Skills Crew
press release:
Mobile Skills Crew Trailbuilding Event
Lapham Peak Segment
Waukesha County (southeastern Wisconsin)
August 20-23, 2015
As with all Mobile Skills Crew events, no experience is necessary and there's a role for volunteers of all ages and abilities...bring the whole family! Your contribution is welcome for any amount of time you can give. Training is provided by certified volunteer crew leaders, and all participants get free meals and (for those working with us for multiple days) a free place to pitch a tent.
The popular section of Ice Age Trail at Lapham Peak is in need of a little TLC. We’re constructing 3,500 feet of new, sustainable trail, closing badly eroded trail, building 350 feet of elevated boardwalk and 100 feet of rock retaining walls, cooking meals and cavorting around the campfire.
To help us plan this event with your needs in mind, please register by Monday, August 17.
If you're in need of a ride or have an extra seat or two in your car, please head to our Facebook page and post a note. Questions? Please contact Brad Crary (262-370-2995, or the IATA office (800-227-0046).