Ice Age Trail Alliance-Dane County Chapter Work Day
media release: Despite the snowfall this week the advancing warmth and drying winds are blossoming into our Spring Burn Season. Now is the time to prepare fire breaks at several of our preserves so that we are ready to burn prairies and oak savannas when the weather is auspicious to do so. We will begin doing so this weekend at Valley View Preserves while complying with the Dane County Health Order prescribing social distancing during outdoor events.
This Sunday, March 21st help us clear fire breaks in the Valley View Preserve to enable us to burn the northern half of the preserve.
Chainsaws, brush cutters, and leaf blowers will be helpful tools to bring if you have them. I will have rakes, loppers, and hand saws.
MEET: 9:00 AM Sunday at 3254 Timber Lane (Tom & Bonnie Wise’s) in the town of Middleton (you will need to head up the driveway to reach the house at this address).
To participate in this activity please register with me so I can have enough tools to use. Thanks for your help and Happy Vernal Equinox!
Gary Werner, 249-2421 home
If you will be joining us for the first time at an event and you are not an Ice Age Trail Alliance member, please fill out the fillable Volunteer Services Agreement Form and email it (along with any questions) to Dan Watson, (
Additional information for first-time volunteers.
Interested in receiving email notifications about workdays? Contact Megan Schliesman ( and ask to be added to our “Stewardship” email group.