It's Tick Season Again! What to Know and How to Stay Tick Free
press release: FREE In-person at Monona Terrace – Lecture Hall; or virtually on Zoom (advanced webinar registration required).
Come learn about the biology of ticks along with the pathogens that they transmit from Public Health Entomologist, Dr. Xia Lee. He will provide tips and advice on how to best avoid and prevent tick bites.
Xia Lee is a public health entomologist and an expert on ticks and tick-borne diseases in Wisconsin. He has a Master’s and PhD from UW-Madison in Entomology where he directs and manages projects to investigate the effectiveness of host targeted interventions, mowing and acaricides, in reducing ticks and the prevalence of the Lyme disease agent in host-seeking ticks. Dr. Lee works for the Upper Midwestern Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Disease at the UW-Madison. He is interested in the host-seeking behavior of the blacklegged tick and has collaborated with other institutions to investigating two newly emerging disease pathogens.