Kidney Screening
Vera Court Neighborhood Center 614 Vera Court, Madison, Wisconsin 53704
media release: The National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin will offer a free kidney screening through its KEEP Healthy program.
1 IN 3 American adults is at risk for developing chronic kidney disease. Those at risk include anyone with diabetes, high blood pressure, a family history of kidney failure, and individuals over age 60. All KEEP Healthy participants will answer a brief health-risk survey and have their height, weight and blood pressure measured. At-risk individuals will have their kidney health checked through a simple, onsite urine test. The ACR test can identify protein in the urine, which is often the first sign of kidney disease. Free educational materials will be provided, and a medical professional will review results and answer questions from participants.
WHERE: Vera Court Neighborhood Center, 614 Vera Ct, Madison, WI 53704
WHEN: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, February 3, 2024
Medical professionals will be reviewing results and providing more information to participants.