ONLINE: Latinx TalkBack
Tatiana Shirasaki
Community Immigration Law Center managing attorney Aissa Olivarez.
A powerhouse panel of Latinx women will talk about making alliances in the Black Lives Matter era, with a spotlight on immigration and community reform. Panelists Valeria Cerda (civic engagement director at Wisconsin VOICES), Nancy Flores (deputy director at the National Partnership for New Americans), Larissa Joanna (from Voces de La Frontera), and Aissa Olivarez (pictured, an attorney at the Community Immigration Law Center) will talk about their personal histories and grassroots immigration work. Find the discussion, hosted by Wisconsin Mujer, on Facebook Live.
press release: With great pride, Wisconsin Mujer, a multimedia social engagement company, brings you another exclusive curated conversation part of our summer #LatinxTalkBack series.
Our company is dedicated to curating ideas and conversation, cultivating actions by highlighting the needs of our community by encouraging people to give to three grassroots agencies in our lives, and by connecting hearts through our virtual lives that are broadcast on YouTube and Wisconsin Mujer’s FaceBook.
This fifth Latinx TalkBack will cover the history of the past 25+ years of immigration reform in the United States. Our guests will talk about their personal histories with immigration and migration and discuss the grassroots work that is being done for immigration reform.
Join us Thursday, September 10 at 8 PM for the fifth Latinx TalkBack “Latina Voices on Immigration” with Valeria Cerda (Civic Engagement Director, Wisconsin VOICES), Nancy Flores (Deputy Director, National Partnership for New Americans), Larissa Joanna (Voces de La Frontera) & Aissa Olivarez (Managing Attorney, Community Immigration Law Center (CILC)).
Although we try to represent all voices at each one of our #Latinxtalkback, we have a long way to go to break down hundreds of years of white supremacy, but as Latinos to refuse to be active in the Black Liberation movement is to deny ourselves as Latinos an alliance that is not just necessary but mandatory in the fight for our collective freedom for immigration reform and community justice.
Join us for this engaging and informative conversation with Latinas from the Midwest who are leading the immigration movement!