LGBT Syrians & the Syrian Refugee Crisis
UW Red Gym 716 Langdon St., Madison, Wisconsin
Subhi Nahas: Tuesday, April 5
Lunch and learn: LGBT Syrians and the Syrian Refugee Crisis
12:15-1:30pm, Red Gym: MSC Classroom
Seeking Refuge: A Journey to Refugee Advocacy
7:00pm, Union South: Varsity Hall II
Want to hear more about LGBT Syrian refugee advocacy? Come hear from Subhi Nahas on the 5th!
Subhi Nahas fled antigay persecution in Syria to become an advocate for refugees everywhere. In August 2015, Subhi shared his story - and the experiences of many persecuted LGBT Syrians - with the UN Security Council.
Come hear about Subhi’s amazing story and his current work with ORAM - the Organization for Refuge, Asylum, and Migration! Sponsored with generous support from the Wisconsin Union Directorate.