Madison Breech Conference
press release: The Madison Breech Conference will explore three themes relating to breech birth: autonomy, biodiversity, and sustainability.
1. How can women be the key decision-makers in their births, even if--especially if--their babies are breech?
2. How can we support biodiversity in breech birth (diversity of birth positions, settings, & provider types), rather than a monoculture?
3. And finally, how can we make breech birth sustainable on an institutional and regulatory level?
This conference was designed to address barriers that hospital providers and administrators face in supporting vaginal breech birth. We will discuss obstacles to providing breech and propose solutions in which vaginal breech is not just barely tolerated, but vigorously supported as a valid option.
This conference includes hands-on training with obstetric simulators, using the most up-to-date research and techniques in physiological breech birth.
Event dates:
Nov 9-10: main conference
Nov 11: additional hands-on training (optional; limited number of spaces)
Jennifer Block, BA, BS (author of Pushed and Everything Below the Waist)
Hermine Hayes-Klein, JD
Rixa Freeze, PhD
David Hayes, MD
Emiliano Chavira, MD, MPH, FACOG, FMFM
Lawrence Leeman, MD, MPH
Dennis Hartung, MD, FACOG
Stuart Fischbein, MD, FACOG
Gail Tully, CPM
Cynthia Caillagh, LM, CPM
Event location:
Madison Area Technical College
1701 Wright St
Madison, WI 53704
Lunch, snacks, & drinks included on Saturday & Sunday
You will need to find your own accommodations for the conference. It is a football game weekend in Madison, so book your hotels/airbnbs early.
What is your cancellation policy?
Orders less than 30 days can be refunded. Orders over 30 days old cannot be refunded; however, you may find someone else to take your place.
Sponsored by Breech Without Borders, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
To Register:
* venue/location
MATC Health Building Tuax
* cover charge/price
See register site or:
Early bird / after Oct 1st
2-day (Nov 9-10): $300 / $350
3-day (Nov 9-11): $350 / $400
Virtual only: $200 / $250
Student discounts offered
* contact phone number, email or website we can publish (REQUIRED)