Candidate Forum: What's Your Vision of a Better Madison Food System?
Badger Rock Neighborhood Center 517 E. Badger Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53713
RSVP for your free ticket by contacting Space is limited.
press release: A Madison Elected Officials Food Forum where a panel of local candidates will take questions from people in the community about creating a more sustainable, equitable, healthy food system. An informal “meet-and-greet” with free, locally sourced food and beverages will take place at 6:30 pm; a panel/Q&A is at 7:30 pm. The panel includes Ali Muldrow (Candidate for School Board, Seat 6), Kate Toews (Candidate for School Board, Seat 6), Zach Wood (Common Council Alder, District 8), Bradley Campbell (Candidate for Common Council Alder, District 11).
Community members from our cosponsoring organizations will ask questions and tell personal stories on how the food system impacts them, including highlighting issues around equity, protecting rights of workers and immigrants, and land use. Co-sponsoring organizations will bring signs and materials highlighting local issues around our food system.
Monday March 27, 2017, from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm, Badger Rock Center, 501 E. Badger Road
Decision-makers invited to the Meet-and-Greet include members on the Madison Common Council, County Board, School Board and other local Madison/Dane County leaders.
Co-Sponsors who will be at the event and bringing their members: The Workers Rights Center; Clean Wisconsin; The Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability; Family Farm Defenders; Student Labor Action Coalition; Working Class Student Union; FEED Kitchens; UW Muslim Student Association; UW Horticulture Society; Food For Thought Initiative; Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice; Racial Justice Tipping Point; Midwest Environmental Advocates; FH King Students for Sustainable Agriculture; Willy St Co-Op; Catholic Multicultural Center; UW Health, Inter-Tribal Maple Syrup Cooperative; Saudi Student Association; REAP Food Group; Center for Resilient Cities; FairShare CSA; Allen Centennial Garden