Madison Path to Citizenship Clinic
Christ Presbyterian Church 944 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
press release: Madison Path to Citizenship will be hosting free, monthly Citizenship Clinics for lawful permanent residents who want to become U.S. citizens.
Monthly Citizenship Clinics will be held the second Friday of each month from 2:00 – 5:00 PM, BY APPOINTMENT. For an appointment please email madisonpathtocitizenship
“Citizenship Clinics are for lawful permanent residents who want to become U.S. citizens, need legal assistance, and want help preparing the necessary forms. People can make an appointment to ask questions about U.S. citizenship, to get help with the N-400 Application for Naturalization, and to be assessed for a fee waivers,” said Laurie Greenberg, Coordinator of Madison Path to Citizenship.