ONLINE: Make HIV History
media release: Make HIV History: Join Vivent Health for a National Virtual Gathering on Ending the HIV Epidemic
Vivent Health is excited to announce we are hosting an important national virtual gathering about ending the HIV epidemic in the United States – and you’re invited to participate! Save the date on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM CST to join Vivent Health for this free national virtual gathering. We will welcome United States Senator Tammy Baldwin, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Vivent Health President and CEO Mike Gifford, Founder and President of SisterLove Inc. Dazon Dixon Diallo, DHL, AIDS United President and CEO Jesse Milan Jr., JD, and more, who will discuss what it will take to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States.
Learn More About Our National Virtual Gathering on 8/18
About The National Virtual Gathering
This year marks almost 40 years since doctors first reported cases of an uncommon pneumonia among gay men in Los Angeles, and 30 years of the Ryan White program - the hallmark of our national government’s response to the HIV epidemic.
Approximately 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV, countless more are at-risk amid swirling syndemics of the coronavirus, opioid use, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections while universal access to prevention, care and treatment for society’s most vulnerable populations remains unacceptably elusive.
Today, we have all the tools necessary to end HIV as an epidemic. Panelists will discuss what the United States can do to reverse troubling HIV trends, and the steps needed to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
For questions about this national virtual gathering, please contact Vivent Health Chief Advocacy Officer, Bill Keeton, at or (414) 225-1572.
Mark your calendar for this important national virtual gathering.