Mark Golbach reception
PhotoMidwest 700 Rayovac Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719
Mark Golbach
The view from a corner in downtown Madison.
An image from "To Photograph is to Learn How to Die," a retrospective exhibit of 10 years of work by Mark Golbach.
media release: PhotoMidwest Featured Photographer March & April
"TO PHOTOGRAPH IS TO LEARN HOW TO DIE:" A Ten-year Retrospective of Images by Mark Golbach
Opening Reception Mar 9, 4 PM - 8 PM, PhotoMidwest Studio. Open noon-4 PM Saturdays.
artist statement:
For the past ten years I have tried to answer the question: “What is a good photograph?”
Through the exploration of various subject matter, photographic media, equipment, technique and, most importantly, photographic theory my images have evolved over time.
This exhibit consists of 77 framed prints, 27 self-published photo books, 100s of unmounted work prints as well as relevant quotes from artists and scholars who influenced my practice.
If you are unable to attend the opening, PhotoMidwest is open on Saturdays from Noon to 4PM. I live only a short distance from the gallery and would be willing to provide access at almost any time. Just let me know. MGOLBACH@GMAIL.COM or 608–772-7121.
If all else fails you can view the images at PhotoMidwest when they are posted. The books can be viewed at by searching in the "bookstore" with my name.