ONLINE: Master Recycler Program
press release: Become a master recycler with our award-winning program in partnership with the City of Madison. Learn the ins and outs of our local recycling system and get your recycling questions answered. The program will give you the tools you need to teach your family, neighbors, friends, and coworkers how to improve recycling and community sustainability.
Topics include: what makes recycling work and why we do it, local recycling basics, barriers to recycling, other waste streams, low waste living, & how to champion recycling in your community.
We'll meet in two sessions:
- Thursday, April 7, 12PM—1:30PM
- Thursday, April 14, 12PM—1:30PM
Certified Master Recyclers will attend both sessions and complete an outreach project, bringing the recycling knowledge they gain to their own communities. Outreach can look like teaching what you learn to another group of friends, colleagues, or community members, or completing a project like setting up a recycling info station at your workplace. Certified Master recyclers will be recognized at Sustain Dane's annual Summit.
Both sessions are virtual meetings. Access links are available on the Online Event Page and at the bottom of your confirmation email after registration.
Questions? Contact Program Manager Lorenza Zebell at Can't make this one? We'll hold another two sessions later in the year!
Is the ticket cost a barrier for you? Full or partial scholarships are available. Please contact to learn more.