Maya Fire Ceremony
MAYA FIRE CEREMONY Shuni Giron, Maya Day Keeper
Picnic Point, 2004 University Bay Dr., Madison
Sunday, August 2, 2015 meet at 10:00am at parking lot and walk to Picnic Point location
Come share as we celebrate life, peace, and unity with internationally recognized spiritual teacher, world ceremonialists, holistic healer Mayan Ajq’iij Nan Shumantla Fenix Giron as she awakes the feminine energy of the land with a Special Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony dedicated to the “Mother Earth and the Waters of the planet"
Let’s bring our gratitude, prayers and reflections to Mayan sacred fire on the highest female water day 9 IX/ Jaguar in the sacred Choq'ij Mayan count of days.
You are invited to share a special water walk, Mayan Fire Ceremony and pot luck, as we come together in harmony and unity to share this sacred healing time for us and for the planet.
Please may bring your chair, blankets, drum or rattle. You may also bring special offerings to the sacred fire, such as candles, sacred tobacco, incenses, seeds, flowers, herbs, letters, stones, or any special item to be blessed at the sacred fire.
The event is free and open for donations (to cover expenses).
For more information on Mayan Tree of life birth charts readings and healings, please contact Nan Shuni Giron at (224) 205-0441 or at Shumanta3@gmail
For those coming around 10am we will meet in parking lot and walk to fire pit at farthest point on the Picnic Point Peninsula.
Call Kathy with questions 608-509-6078