Mifflin Street Co-op Closing Celebration
Goodman Community Center-Ironworks 149 Waubesa St., Madison, Wisconsin 53704
press release: Sat. Dec. 8, 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Goodman Community Center (149 Waubesa St.) Mifflin St.. Co-op Closing Celebration! While the beloved Mifflin Street grocery store officially closed its doors in 2006, the cooperative has remained intact - quietly funding radical work for years. Come reminisce about Mifflin Street Co-op’s 50 year history and celebrate the committed leaders and organizers who are engaging in the most important political work happening now. Free food and drinks, plus DJ DRIPSweat crafting the dance floo r! We ask that guests bring cash/ checks and consider donating to one or many of the groups that Mifflin C o-op has funded: Free the 350 Bail Fund; Freedom, Inc; Ubuntu Research & Design/ Maroon Calabash; Debra’s Love Cooperative/ CocoaBean; Spring Rose Growers Cooperative; Young, Gifted & Black; Oneida White Corn Growers; SHIFT Cooperative; Standing Rock /NoD APL legal support; Drumlin Farm; and Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative. More info, visit the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/