RSVP for MLK Youth Call To Service
media release: MLK Youth Call To Service: January 20, 2025, 12:00 – 5:00 PM | Madison Central Library
The King Coalition of Madison & Dane County, in partnership with the Urban League, MOST, MSCR, the city of Madison, and DCDHS, is pleased to announce that registration for the annual MLK Day Youth Call to Service event is now open. We have an exciting and empowering slate of workshops grounded in the teachings of Dr. King that will engage youth in exploration and self-reflection around the topics of civil rights and leadership.
The 2025 MLK Day Youth Call to Service will take place on Monday, January 20, from 12:00 - 5:00 PM at the Central Madison Public Library (201 W Mifflin St, Madison, WI 53703).
This event is open to any middle school aged youth groups or teams of students. There is no cost to participate, and lunch will be provided. Students must attend as a part of a group in order to participate. We require that groups have at least 1 adult leader per 10 youth participants in attendance. Space is limited to 100 participants so register today!
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Andrew Schilcher, Director of Middle School Programs at the Urban League of Greater Madison at Registrations are due by Wednesday, January 15.
40th Annual Madison & Dane County MLK Day Observance: January 20, 2025, Overture Center for the Arts, 201 State Street | Free
5:00 PM – Freedom Songs Sing-Along | 6:00 PM – Program
Welcoming Bishop Vashti McKenzie
Bishop McKenzie was the first female elected to office in history of the AME Church. She is currently President/General Secretary of the National Council of Churches where she provides executive leadership to 37 denominations, 100,000 churches and 30 million people. She was appointed by President Obama to the White House Commission of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and named one of the 50 Most Powerful Religious Leaders in the World by Huffington Post.
Characterized as “an electrifying preacher,” Bishop McKenzie preaches and teaches globally on women, leadership, and other social justice issues
The program will also feature the MLK Community Choir and presentation of the 2025 MLK Humanitarian Awards by Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Dane County Executive Melissa Agard
JOIN THE CHOIR: The MLK Community Choir has been an integral part of the official Madison & Dane County King Holiday Observance for many years. The Choir is unique in bringing together community members regardless of musical background for the purpose of performing at this event. It is directed by acclaimed musicians Leotha and Tamera Stanley. No audition is required. To join the Choir community members simply need to attend two rehearsals:
Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30 PM | Saturday, January 18, 11:00 AM. Both rehearsals are at Mt. Zion Baptist Church | 2019 Fisher Street
MLK Free Community Dinner: January 17, 2025, 4:30 – 7:00 PM | Gordon Dining & Event Center, 770 W. Dayton St.
Kick-off the King Holiday weekend with fellowship and the annual MLK Free Community Dinner. Dinner served buffet style will include fried and baked chicken, mac n’ cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, sweet potato pie, and more. Join us and share a wonderful meal with friends, old and new, in Dr. King’s spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood!
MLK Ecumenical Service: January 19, 2025, 4:30 – 6:00 PM | S.S. Morris AME Church
Join us to promote the “beloved community” through spiritual inclusivity. The MLK Ecumenical Service joins people together from diverse religious traditions, socioeconomic statuses, ethnicities and political beliefs in the spirit of brotherhood/ sisterhood to honor Dr. King’s dream of social justice and equality. It also seeks to develop the “beloved community” through spiritual inclusivity and recognition of our shared humanity.
I Have a Dream Scholarship Ball, hosted by Women In Focus
Saturday, January 18, 6:00 - 11:00 pm | Click here for tickets by Dec. 15.
Youth Recognition Breakfast, hosted by Urban League of Greater Madison
Sunday, January 19, 7:30 - 10:00 am | Click here for tickets
45th annual Tribute and Ceremony presented by Africasong.
Monday, Jan. 20, noon, Capitol Rotunda: Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Chair Marcelia N. Nicholson will give the keynote on the theme of “Justice Lives Here,” and performances include violinist Brianna Ware-Boggs, the Gospel Music According to Chicago Mass Choir and the MLK Multi-Cultural Dance Collective; hosted by Jonathan Øverby.
UW Madison MLK Symposium, hosted by Student Affairs & DDEEA
Tuesday, January 28, 5:30 - 7:30 pm | Click here for details

Bob Koch