Moral Witness Wednesday
press release: The Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign holds Moral Witness Wednesday: Economic Investment for the People with a news conference at the Madison office of Senator Ron Johnson to demand that he embrace the Build Back Better plan. This economic investment package, which is the largest investment in people by the US government in a generation, is necessary for the lives of the 140 million poor and low-income Americans, including 35% of people in Wisconsin, a total of 2 million residents. This fact sheet from the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival reveals what we, the people of Wisconsin, truly need and shows that it is possible to meet all of our needs in this, the richest nation in the world.
11AM Central, Wednesday, Nov. 10, The Madison office of Senator Ron Johnson, 5315 Wall Street, Suite 110, Madison, WI 53718. You can also RSVP to watch the livestream here:
WHY: The Build Back Better plan is nowhere near what we need to fully address poverty and low-wealth in this nation, yet we know that it is an important step and will result in a massive investment in the people. We need to challenge our senators to invest in the people and hold the line. This is a last chance in this Congress to make sure all the lifesaving elements and programs are included in the plan:
6 million 3 & 4 year olds will benefit from universal pre-K
4 million people get health insurance from Medicaid expansion
Extends child tax credit for millions of parents
$250 million saved by giving government power to negotiate drug prices
4-week paid family and medical leave
The PPC:NCMR continues to demand action on voting rights; dignity and protections for all 11 million undocumented immigrants and climate protections that go beyond what’s in Build Back Better. This work continues as part of our one-year campaign toward a Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 18, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
The Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign also welcomes all to our next Statewide meeting online, Tuesday, November 9 at 7pm Central. For more information visit