NewBridge Fundraiser
Delta Beer Lab 167 E. Badger Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53713
media release: Delta Beer Lab is excited to announce that they are partnering with NewBridge this December as their monthly Nonprofit Partner. New Bridge is Madison’s leading nonprofit serving older adults. NewBridge’s mission is to provide older adults a bridge to successful aging. To ensure longer, healthier, and safer independent lives, New Bridge provides a variety of services and activities for older adults. These services are free depending on a person’s income.
“We are so pleased to have a partner like Delta Beer Lab in the community,” said Jim Krueger, NewBridge’s executive director. “It's incredible that as a for-profit business, they value and support local nonprofit organizations like NewBridge. Join us at Delta Beer Lab this December to raise a glass and raise awareness of older adult issues in Madison.”
During their December partnership with Delta Beer Lab, NewBridge will be focusing on their Food Bridge program. “Food accessibility and security are keenly felt during the holidays as we gather with friends and family,” said Andrew Thomas, Delta’s Community Engagement Coordinator. “New Bridge ensures that older adults in our community are not overlooked during this time.”
FoodBridge relies on the generosity of volunteers to deliver essential groceries from local food pantries to homebound, low-income older adults in Madison. FoodBridge’s mission is to create a vital connection between those in need and the nourishing food resources they require to thrive.
The general public is encouraged to attend Delta Beer Lab’s Nonprofit Partner kick-off Wednesday, December 6 1, 4:30-6:00 pm where representatives from NewBridge will be on hand to share information about their work and how folx can get involved with their mission. Additionally, NewBridge will be present at a number of regular Delta events during the month of December, such as trivia nights and Drag Queen Bingo, so be sure to stop by and share a pint with them.
*Delta Beer Lab serves as a community destination and brewery. Beer has brought people together for hundreds of years, and our Social Laboratory / Taproom is welcoming to all. We strive to expand community through quality, local craft beer without barriers to gender, race, or sexual orientation. To date, Delta Beer Lab has donated more than $200k to their monthly Nonprofit Partners.