Nurture Your Nature
press release: Matt Glowacki’s 'Nurture Your Nature’ presentation is an inclusive identity event that welcomes everyone and helps them better understand who they are, why they are, and what they want to be. His revisionary approach to story telling conceptualizes difference into common and familiar struggles while building empathy amongst different groups of people.
Through a guided group discussion, Matt gives the audience a voice as they share their interactive coping mechanisms, what discrimination looks like to them, and the one thing they wish everyone knew about their experience.
This lecture allows for the examinations of the concepts of intersectionality, codeswitching, and passing within a framework of social justice. Through guiding interactions between audience members, Matt helps connect how these group identities impact individuals’ experiences and exchanges with others. These connections offer audience members the ability to reflect on how they can have deeper community conversations and impactful engagement opportunities around topics of diversity and inclusion within their environments.
This event can be attended in-person or virtually.