ONLINE: A Short Stack: Technology Edition
press release: Encore Studio, Madison's professional theater for and about people with disabilities, has created its second ONLINE production of the season: A Short Stack - Technology Edition.
In our newest group of shorts, we bring to life modern woes and the perennial joys of modern technology. Shorts include: Ham and Beans by Clarice Lafayette, Two Steps Backspace by Heather Renken, Sandy Knows Everything, by Sandy Sands and KelsyAnne Schoenhaar, Dylan Rodgers of the 21st Century or Technology at Light Speed (with the brakes on) and Ask Robbie by KelsyAnne Schoenhaar.
Please Note: Due to technical difficulties… A Short Stack - Technology Edition will premiere one week later than originally planned on May 28 and run through June 7, 2021.
Suggested donations of $5-$20+ per person. Link to the show, and donate, from Encore's website or Facebook page.
FYI: The donation receipt will arrive promptly. The digital ticket will come later, shortly before the show's "Opening Night."