ONLINE: Housing for All?
media release: JustDane's JustConversations series
We invite you to join our Just Conversations session on Wednesday evening, June 23. We’ll talk about what the demand for housing justice looks like in Madison and Dane County. We’ll explore public policy options and some promising local work around homelessness and lack of affordable housing. We’ll look at what is working – and what isn’t working. Guest speakers include Attorney and Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner; and Robin Sereno, Executive Director of the Tenant Resource Center. JustDane staffers Kim Wolf and Shanita Lawrence, Rapid Rehousing & Peer Support Specialists, will host the panel and describe JustDane's work to open greater access to housing for our participants. Let’s ask ourselves what is required from each of us so that housing for all can become reality now, rather than a distant goal. What has to happen for our community to transition from NIMBY to a place where every person is welcome and has secure housing?