Chelsea Blank
A close-up of Def Sonic.
Def Sonic
For the cross-disciplinary concert “OUTER-INNER,” visual artists Peter Charles Allen and Ryan Lansing will create video art (using video synthesizers and looping) accompanying and responding in the moment to music. Performers include Niels Jorgensen, Seth Klekamp and Def Sonic, who will debut songs from the new album For the Rest of Forever. A presentation of Mills Folly Microcinema.
media release: Mills Folly Microcinema presents OUTER-INNER, a night of expansive music with audio-reactive video art, on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 7:00pm. Tickets are $15 ($10 student/ALL member) in advance online at https://outerinner.bpt.me, and $20 at the door for everyone. Doors open at 6:30pm.
OUTER-INNER will feature musicians Def Sonic, Niels Jorgensen, and Seth Klekamp as well as visual artists Peter Charles Allen and Ryan Lansing. The video art experience will utilize old video broadcast switchers sent into analog visual feedback combined with video synthesizers and layered visual loops. The visual setup will be reacting in real-time to a musical performance from Def Sonic, who will be performing tracks from his whole catalog, including debuting tracks from a newly released album, For the Rest of Forever. Expect a rainbow bloom of colors with content exploring how the biggest and smallest parts of our world echo each other's form. Ancient visual technologies will blend with cutting-edge visual warping software in time with live music to provide an immersive multimedia experience.
Please note: Flashing visuals have the potential of triggering seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.
Mills Folly Microcinema showcases nationally recognized experimental film and video art work from the festival and microcinema circuit. We network with regional filmmakers and organizations to bring filmmakers and guest programmers to Madison for screenings. And we incubate local experimental filmmaking by providing screen time at Project Projection events.