Owl You Need is Love ... and Birds!
Aldo Leopold Nature Center, Monona 300 Femrite Drive, Monona, Wisconsin 53716
press release: Bring your family and loved ones to a fun-filled afternoon to celebrate Wisconsin’s true winter romantics…the owls! Owls court through the cold, dark winter evenings and by Valentine’s Day, they are often sitting on a nest of eggs! In this celebration of owls, we’ll learn how to recognize different owl calls, make an owl craft and head outside with binoculars to see and identify other Wisconsin winter bird residents. We’ll even submit our bird sightings to the Great Backyard Bird Count. Come join us – it is sure to be a real hoot!
All proceeds from this celebration benefit children’s programming at Aldo Leopold Nature Center. ALNC serves tens of thousands of visitors per year, with the bulk of them being school-aged children. Our mission is to provide hands-on programs that “…teach the student to see the land, to understand what he sees and enjoy what he understands” in the spirit of Aldo Leopold. Through hands-on interactive programs and special exhibits at campuses in Monona and Black Earth, ALNC is leading the way to engage, educate and empower the next generation of land stewards for a healthy, happy and sustainable future. By supporting this event, you are helping us to do just that.
Pre-registration is recommended. For more information, please visit aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org, email czearing@naturenet.com or call (608) 221-0404 x0.
What: Owl You Need is Love…and Birds!
When: Saturday, February 18th, 1 to 3 pm
Where: Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 330 Femrite Drive, Monona
Fee: ALNC Members: $6/person; Non-members: $10/person & Children 3 and under: FREE
To Register: Call (608) 221-0404 x0 or Visit www.aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org/event/family-public-program-owl