PhotoMidwest Women's Interest Group
UW Pyle Center 702 Langdon St., Madison, Wisconsin 53706
press release: The Women’s Interest Group of PhotoMidwest (formerly the Center for Photography at Madison) will exhibit over 200 photographs at the Pyle Center on the University of Wisconsin campus during the 2016 PhotoMidwest Festival. The exhibit at the Pyle Center will be on view from September 26 through October 30, 2016. An opening reception will be held on October 16 from 1- 4 p.m.
The exhibit, entitled “A Celebration of Women Photographers: A 5-Year Retrospective of Photography from Members of the PhotoMidwest Women’s Interest Group, will be displayed on three floors of the Pyle Center. Each floor will reflect a different aspect of the Group’s vision. The first floor exhibit is entitled “Our Vision, Our Voice” and reflects the current work of each participating member. “Abstracts” will be shown on the second floor and reflects a Group determined assignment to produce abstract images. Black and white images will be shown on the third floor in two different shows. The first show, entitled “Timeless Visions”, includes photographs from the Group’s first show five years ago and current images from the same group of photographers. In addition, images by current members who were not in the first show are included. The other exhibit in the Gallery is made up of images from the Group’s Holga Pass Project with each member limited to three shots using the same plastic camera.
gallery hours: Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm.; evenings and weekends when event scheduled