Radical Jewelry Makeover
press release: Radical Jewelry Makeover is a community jewelry mining and recycling project of Ethical Metalsmiths that uses donated jewelry to create an alternative to mining and manufactured jewelry. Until Friday, February 16, we are accepting donations of old, unwanted jewelry at several locations across the UW-Madison campus. Metals students will spend the month of March making new jewelry out of the donated pieces, which will be on display at UW-Milwaukee's Union Art Gallery in April. Donors will receive discount coupons to apply toward the purchase of a new piece, and sales will benefit UW student scholarships and Ethical Metalsmiths' efforts to educate and connect people with responsibly sourced materials.
We have collection sites for donated jewelry set up at the Art Lofts, the Art Office in the Humanities building, Kohler Art Library, and HYART Gallery. The official website for RJM is radicaljewelrymakeover.org