RSVP for ReNew Vacation Bible School
media release: GROW in Faith. HAVE Fun. CHANGE the World.
$FREE - Each evening starts with a light meal and has a variety of hands-on faithful fun activities, crafts, and games for all children 3 years to sixth grade.
Join us for an engaging two nights of ReNew VBS! Let's work together in hope, opportunity and service to care for and change the world! Come discover and plant "seeds" that will help you take root, grow and face challenges!
DATES: Monday, August 7 to Tuesday, August 8, 5:30-7:30 pm (starting with light meal), Bristol Lutheran Church, 6835 County Hwy N, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
All children 3 years to 6th grade are warmly invited to participate. Parents are also welcome to stay for the program.
REGISTRATION Deadline: July 31, 2023. All are welcome. Families need not be members of Bristol Lutheran. ONLINE: