Rich Baumann
Wil-Mar Center 504 S. Brearly St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Wild Hog in the Woods Coffeehouse concert.
media release: Rich Baumann is a Madison singer-songwiter who has graced the Hog stage many times before, performing original songs, as well as traditional and contemporary folk songs. He plays fiddle, guitar and banjo to accompany his singing, but also adds some acapella songs. He likes to get the audience to join him on some tunes. For this show, he will include songs that he has never played at the Hog before.
Admission pays the rent. Performers are paid from the money the audience puts in our ceramic wild boar piggy bank, affectionately called Phillup the Pig (pronounced fill-up). Admission is typically $2 for members and $4 for non-members (higher for special events). The Saturday Hootenannies are free, but donations to Phillup help pay our rent that day.