Richard Armstrong, Tom Klinglele, Don Julie
PhotoMidwest 700 Rayovac Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719
Photographs, noon-4 pm Sundays, 4/3-24, PhotoMidwest (reception 7-9 pm, 4/7).
press release: All the photographs in this exhibit were taken in the City of Fitchburg during 2015. Hence the title - "A Year In Fitchburg". When we decided on this theme, we knew it would be fun, and we thought it would be easy. After all, Fitchburg is a wonderful city with abundant parks, wild life areas, sports activities, special events, and many attractive business and industrial areas. Don and Tom are longtime residents of the City of Fitchburg, and Rich is from the Village of DeForest.
Well, the project was fun, but it was also challenging for us .We wanted to show pictures that depicted the breadth of Fitchburg in familiar ways, but also some that were unexpected or maybe little known to our viewers. This caused us to explore Fitchburg more intensively than we ever had before, and in the process to learn a lot more about this city.
There will be an opening reception on Thursday April 7, at 7pm at the PhotoMidwest studio.
The studio is open on Sunday from noon to 4:00 pm at 303 S. Paterson, Madison.