RPCVs Virtual Happy Hour
press release: Hello Wisconsin-connected RPCVs of all stripes, sectors, and years of service!
We are not going to let this COVID-19 quarantine thing get in the way of some socializing! Ben Deese (RPCV China 2016-2018) and Kate Schachter are collaborating to continue our 3rd Tuesday of the month RPCVs Come Together event, at least for the next two months…virtually, from 5:30 – 6:30. We hope you will join us. If self-quarantine conditions change by May, we’ll move it off virtual and back into the real world.
Details can be found at this Facebook Event, and here:
What: Virtual Happy Hour – RPCVs Come Together
When: April 21 and May 19, 5:30 – 6:30
Where: https://go.wisc.edu/2el7b5
What to Expect: Trivia on Wisconsin, Peace Corps and COVID-19 and an opportunity to connect